Archivo mensual: octubre 2010

The Four Stages of Freelance Success | Lateral Action

The Four Stages of Freelance Success | Lateral Action.

10+ Amazing Methods to Find & Share Great Books For Design Inspiration | Inspired Magazine

10+ Amazing Methods to Find & Share Great Books For Design Inspiration | Inspired Magazine.

Moleskine + Pac-Man 30th Anniversary collection: Inspiration by Karen Horton on design:related

Moleskine + Pac-Man 30th Anniversary collection: Inspiration by Karen Horton on design:related.

branding gangbang: Google in LEGO from Sean Kenney

branding gangbang: Google in LEGO from Sean Kenney: «

branding gangbang: Google in LEGO from Sean Kenney


(Via inspire me now.)

Nuevo Taller de Creatividad en la UBA

Este taller de creatividad está diseñado para que los participantes adquieran una metodología para la generación de nuevas ideas de diseño a través de diferentes técnicas y herramientas que ayudarán a expresar el potencial creativo innato existente en cada uno, aprendiendo a crear un marco mental propicio y una variedad de estímulos para potenciar el poder mental creativo y resolver problemas tanto de diseño gráfico, industrial, arquitectónico como así también cuestiones cotidianas.


Marco teórico
La creatividad y la resolución de problemas
¿Por qué utilizar técnicas de creatividad?
Generación de ideas creativas
Tipología de actividades para la generación de ideas
Principios clave para la estimulación creativa
Relacionar problemas, soluciones y actividades
Evaluación y selección de ideas
Marco práctico

En el transcurso del Taller de Creatividad se desarrollarán actividades individuales y grupales en un clima receptivo al pensamiento creativo y de nuevas ideas.
Actividades Individuales:
Generación básica de ideas
Estimulación vinculada
Estimulación no vinculada
Asociación libre
Actividades grupales:
Estimulación vinculada
Estimulación no vinculada

Aranceles: $ 320.-
Duración: 4 clases (viernes de 14 a 17 hs.)
Destinatarios: Diseñadores y profesionales interesados en la temática del curso.
Documentación: Se deberá presentar una copia (de ambos lados) del título de grado.
Título a Obtener: Se otorgará certificado de asistencia a los graduados de carreras de grado con duración mínima de 4 años.
Informes e Inscripción: Secretaría de Posgrado FADU-UBA
Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón III, 4º Piso. Buenos Aires.
Teléfono 4789-6235/36  Fax: 4789-6240

Coordinación Mandrini, Elisa

Taller dictado por Marcelo Sapoznik

McDonald’s LEGOlized by Sachiko

McDonald’s LEGOlized by Sachiko


(Via inspire me now.)

Resultados del estudio de uso de Social Media en sector alimentación

Resultados del estudio de uso de Social Media en sector alimentación: «

Resultados del estudio de uso de Social Media en sector alimentacionEl pasado mes de septiembre Sowre Consulting realizó un estudio sobre el uso que 97 de las principales marcas de alimentación de nuestro país están haciendo de las redes sociales.

Entre los resultados destaca que sólo el 5% de las empresas estudiadas tiene presencia en las 4 redes objeto del estudio (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs y Youtube).El uso principal que dan a estas herramientas en promocional o comercial, llegando al 60% de los casos.La red más utilizada es Facebook, con un 41% de los casos.


(Via Home.)

3M, with IDEO, Creates Water Filter That Fights Both Brita and Evian

3M, with IDEO, Creates Water Filter That Fights Both Brita and Evian: «If you’re a dedicated reusable water bottle carrier, you know two challenges that eco-minded drinkers face. One, it’s tough to find an effective system to help you refill the bottle (airport drinking fountains, I’m looking at you). And two, you still need to find good-tasting, bottle-quality water to fill it. For many, an easy-to-use filtration system installed somewhere quick and convenient in the home could solve both of those issues. 3M, working with IDEO, has created the Filtrete Water Station, a countertop reservoir that not only filters your water, it administers it into four reusable bottles, at-the-ready for your next trip out the door.

Most filtration devices are found either as part of the kitchen sink, or in a pitcher in the fridge, that can take up to 15 minutes to drip filtered water into the base. But 3M had a secret weapon in that their Filtrete Water Station is able to process water in real-time. So within a few seconds, valves in the vessel will drop the filtered water into portable bottles that are just as convenient as throwaway bottles. That’s four bottles that will be filling at once, and extra bottles can even be purchased and stashed in the fridge.

Using the real-time filtration as a touchpoint, IDEO and 3M brought the filter to the countertop, where a sharp look has a greater presence in the household — as essential as any other kitchen appliance. In this way, the designers hope that having the bottles front and center — filled, filtered and ready — can help to change behavior, as users will be more likely to reach for the reusable bottle when it’s just as easy as reaching for the disposable kind.

Still, does this solve a real problem? If you’re one of the millions who use water filters, probably. But for many, filling bottles up from the sink works just fine, and some of us don’t mind the taste of tap water (or waiting 15 minutes for our Brita to filter it). Plus, it’s not like the system is completely automated: You still have to relocate the vessel to the kitchen sink in order to fill it, and the reusable bottles are small — 16 ounces isn’t quite enough to keep you hydrated throughout the day. But the one thing that Filtrete does have going for it is that it’s cheap: the Filtrete retails at Walmart for $37.44. That same amount would buy you three Sigg waterbottles, no filtration included.»

(Via Co..)

Was Apple behind impromptu iPhone concert on NY subway?

Was Apple behind impromptu iPhone concert on NY subway?

Indie-ish rock band Atomic Tom played a free, impromptu iPhone concert on an NYC subway last week after their equipment was stolen, so naturally some people assumed that it was a publicity stunt set up by Apple to guerrilla market a product that almost every American owns already. Whether it was real or staged is kind of a useless question, because either way its still advertising the iPhone by using it to problem-solve. Not everyone needs an ad agency to be creative, you know. But beyond that, the most amusing part of this story is how unremarkable it is—people play free music on real instruments in subway stations and other public thoroughfares all the time. What people should be asking after all this is whether a band that can recreate their music on iPhone instrument simulators is really worth listening to (hint: no theyre not).


(Via BrandFreak.)